Scent Policy:
Due to the health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, Brookdale Family Clinic has instituted a policy to provide a scent-free environment for all employees and visitors. Please refrain from wearing scented products when visiting the office.
Acceptable behaviour:
The doctors at Brookdale Family Clinic will provide a safe and healthy work environment for their -staff, Doctors and Allied Health Practitioners who visit the Practice. It is not acceptable for staff to be harassed either verbally, physically or emotionally by aggressive/difficult patients.
Examples of unacceptable behaviour are:
- Profanity, harassment, offensive or intimidating statements or gestures, threats of violence either in person, through verbal or electronic communication, which may include, swearing, yelling or other derogatory remarks.
- Behaviour that is disruptive, or pose a threat to the rights and safety of staff/Doctors at Brookdale Family Clinic.